Concert Guidelines

  • Concert Dress: The color scheme is determined by the producers each season. We ask that you avoid revealing clothing. Short sleeves and cap-sleeves are fine. If you have any questions about concert dress, please contact your season producers.
  • Safe storage of belongings: You may leave coats, food, etc. in the basement room during the concerts but nothing valuable should be left there, as that space is unattended during the performances. A secure room is made available for storage of your valuables – it is locked 15 minutes before each performance and unlocked only after the entire performance is completed.
  • Singer Survey: We ask that you take a few moments to complete the singer survey that will arrive via email on concert Sunday. These surveys provide us with invaluable feedback for planning future seasons.
  • Call time: Please be in position on stage in Converse Hall, ready to sing at call times.
  • Hydration: We will have water available for you at the concerts; however, water bottles are not allowed on stage during performances.
  • Don’t forget to smile!