Member Registration

Register with the Mystic Chorale

The phone number should contain 10 digits and must match one of the following formats: (617) 555-1212, 617-555-1212, 617.555.1212.

Optional secondary phone number. The phone number should contain 10 digits and must match one of the following formats: (617) 555-1212, 617-555-1212, 617.555.1212.

Select your vocal range.

Do you want your name in the member directory? The Member Directory is only accessible to Mystic Chorale members and is not accessible by the public. By putting your name in the directory, you allow other members to reach out to you for such things as carpools.

Do you want your name listed in the concert program when you are singing?

We use these skill sets to reach out to our members when we have volunteer opportunities that require special skills.  Please indicate your volunteer skill sets.  Check all that apply.

Passwords must be at least 12 characters in length, contain at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one special character (!@#$%^&* etc). Passwords may not contain spaces.