Meet Others at Mystic Chorale

Mystic Chorale is all about community – if you’re new to Mystic, welcome! And if you’re a seasoned singer, looking to meet new people, there are numerous ways to get to know folks from your own section and others.

  • Wear your button at rehearsals and Mystic events to help others learn your name. During your first season, we’ll add a green star to your button, letting others know you’re just learning the ropes, that you may not know other members yet, and that you’d welcome a hello.
  • Gather in the courtyard out back before rehearsal, weather permitting, for informal time together.
  • Join us for Eat, Meet and Greet gatherings at local restaurants near First Parish, where people enjoy a meal, a drink, and conversation with other singers BEFORE rehearsal. Check the News and Notes for each week’s venue.
  • Come along if you’d like to get together at a local restaurant or bar AFTER rehearsal. We’ll meet at the door in the front lobby of First Parish by 9:45 pm.
  • Volunteer! There are so many opportunities to give back within the chorus, ranging from weekly tasks (e.g. setting up chairs) to one-offs (e.g. helping at the post-season potluck). Volunteers tend to meet more people and make more meaningful connections.
  • Join the Mystic Community Google group. People send messages on it to let others know about events that are happening, items they may have to sell or share, or ask questions.
  • Participate in special events. Note: Special events depend on volunteers to organize and run them.
  • Share a meal and camaraderie at the potluck dinners after each season… an informal (and delicious!) way to meet others.
  • Sing again at the annual Summer Fling, which brings us together for informal singing during the no-rehearsal months.
  • Share your talents and mingle at our occasional Open Mic Nights.
  • Sign up for our occasional vocal workshops, which focus on improving our technical singing skills.
  • Join in on our occasional full-day workshops, focusing on a theme or musical genre. Past workshop leaders include Ysaye Barnwell, Jonathan Singleton and Donnell Peterson.

Let us know additional ideas you have to bring us together in community.

We welcome all who love to sing!!