Rehearsal Guidelines

You’ll be singing with at least 175 other singers during the rehearsal season, so it helps if we all follow some procedures.  Please review these guidelines before rehearsals begin.

  • Start time: Rehearsals start at 7:30 p.m. at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Mass. Visit the directions page for how to get there and for parking information.  Please come a little early, sign in, find your seat and say hello to the singers around you, and we can begin promptly.
  • Seating: We sit in sections according to singer parts (alto, soprano, tenor, bass). We ask singers NOT wearing masks to sit at the front of their sections so that they are not singing over masked singers.  We will have clear signage and volunteers on the first night to organize seating – please follow their guidance.
  • Cell phones: Please remember to silence your cell phone – thank you!
  • Breaks: We don’t take formal breaks during rehearsals, but take care of yourself. If you need to take a few moments, please slip out quietly to avoid disturbing the singers in your section.
  • Recording: We recommend that you bring a recorder to rehearsals; audio recordings will help you practice during the week.
  • Sectionals: We encourage you to attend sectional rehearsals during the seasons when they are held (see season calendar).  They are very helpful for zeroing in on your singing part and are another fun way to meet other singers! They also count as a bonus rehearsal.
  • Missed Rehearsals: Please plan to come sing every week, and don’t forget to sign in! We understand you may have to miss a rehearsal from time to time. If you miss more than two regular rehearsals, please contact one of the season producers about singing in the concerts. Note: Attending the Sectionals rehearsal is always a good idea AND a good way to make up for a missed regular rehearsal.
  • Learning your part: If you are having trouble hearing or learning your part during a rehearsal, stop and listen for a while; this will help you avoid singing the wrong notes over and over. If you are still not hearing your part, try sitting near a strong singer in your section.
  • Soloing: The choice of soloists is at the complete discretion of the current season’s director. Auditions for solos will be announced in advance to give you time enough to prepare. There are seasons where the director recruits soloists without auditions.
  • Talking during rehearsal: Please keep chatting to a minimum during rehearsals, and please don’t talk while other sections are working on their parts.
  • Scents: Please do not wear scented products including perfume, hairspray, strong deodorant, or even scented soaps at rehearsals, dress rehearsal or at the concerts, as some people are allergic to them.

In the Event of Inclement Weather on a Rehearsal Night

When the weather is particularly threatening,  please check the website (