Solo Auditions

Solo Auditions for Fall 2024—Notes from Mike

Audition Songs

Here are the things I’d like to hear you sing in solo auditions. They won’t start for a couple weeks, but you can begin reviewing them now, and decide which ones you’d like to sing:

  • Bread and Roses (p. 1) – Verse 2 (choose either the soprano or alto line)
  • Keep Marching (p. 3) – “Alice” section, mm. 5-38
  • Honor the Dark – No Solos
  • Would You Harbor Me? – No Solos
  • Love is Like a Butterfly (p. 26) – mm. 6-22 (pick any part, in any octave)
  • Crowded Table (p. 35) – mm. 16-19 (for sopranos and tenors) mm. 41-48 (for altos and basses)
  • Quia Ergo Femina – No Solos
  • Closer to Fine (p. 50) – mm. 15-23 (choose either part in any octave)
  • Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal (p. 71) – mm. 33-41 (sopranos only)
  • Pata Pata – No Solos

Some important notes on solos…

First, these are not all the solo sections! They’re just what I’d like to hear. If you’re interested in a solo on any of these pieces, please sing the one above for that piece, and I’ll consider you for anything that ends up being a solo on that piece.

Second, I’d like to offer you another option for solo auditions this year. If you’d prefer it, you can record yourself singing a solo you’re interested in and send it to me at Please add “Solo audition from First Name Last Name” in the subject line.