Week #9: May 11 – Sol y Canto with Rosi & Brian Amador

Rosi & Brian Amador

Sol y Canto is the award winning Pan-Latin ensemble led by Puerto Rican/Argentine singer and bongo player Rosi Amador and New Mexican guitarist and composer Brian Amador. Featuring Rosi’s crystalline voice and Brian’s lush Spanish guitar and inventive compositions, Sol y Canto is known for making their music accessible to Spanish- and non-Spanish speaking audiences of all ages. Click photo for full bio & links.


Ayúdame A Mirar (Help Me to See)
by Xochitl Galán Molinet
sung by Sol y Canto
Brian & Rosi Amador from CD El Doble de Amigos

Note: syllables are broken up by hyphens. An underscore between two vowels means they are elided.

Pe-da-ci-to de mar, que me con-sue-la
pe-da-ci-to de mar, be-san-do_a-re-nas
to-da tu_in-men-si-dad, de-jan-do hue-llas
a-yú-da-me_a mi-rar.

De tie-rra_a-den-tro soy, de las ma-de-ras
no pu-de_i-ma-gi-nar-me que_ex-is-tie-ra
in-ten-si-dad de_a-zu-les que me cie-ga
a-yú-da-me_a mi-rar.

Little piece of sea that consoles me
little piece of sea that kisses the sand
all of your immensity leaving traces
help me to see.

I am from inland, from the woods
I never imagined that there existed
this intensity of blues that blinds me
help me to see.

VIDEO: Ayudame Pronounciation with Penny Boyatt

VIDEO: Ayudame Help Me To See for Learning



Banana – Nicaraguan Folksong

All the nations love bananas (4x)

Banana (8x)

Ba-na-na Na-Na-Na – – – (Whoo) !

To-dos qui-ren la banana (4x)

Score with English and Spanish Words: BANANA

Video: Sol y Canto performs “Banana”

AUDIO: BANANA – Instruments only

AUDIO: BANANA – Instruments & Vocals

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At the end of the May 11th rehearsal Nick will lead a lyric writing session using his NARROW THE RIVER technique where we will break into smaller groups to write new verses to THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND by Woody Guthrie


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